
Regarding our company’s response to the COVID-19 after May 8th:

NEWS 2023-05-08
  1. 1. The decision to wear masks is left to the individual’s discretion.

2. Regarding telecommuting:

We will continue remote work, with a limit of approximately one day per week, taking into consideration factors such as maintaining employee well-being and disaster preparedness, except for exceptional cases.

3. We will continue remote work (beyond telecommuting) as an ongoing practice.

4. Restrictions on domestic and international business trips have been lifted.

5. We will maintain the principles of 3S (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso) within the office and in our personal surroundings.

6. Regarding the handling of close contacts:

We will not impose restrictions, but we will respond flexibly and appropriately based on the situation.


Thank you.

Useful information

We have compiled some useful information about international logistics, so please feel free to make use of it.


Daido Trans-Planet, we are committed to initiatives related to the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).

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